Giulia Piscitelli
The Virgin Mary with the Apostles and Other Saints / The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs, 2017
Geological map of Great Britain, prepared by geological survey 2nd edition 1957, sheets 1 & 2
Beato Angelico (probably), ‘The Virgin Mary with the Apostles and Other Saints’ and ‘The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs’, about 1423-4, from Fiesole San Domenico Alterpiece, left predella panel, egg tempera on wood, National Gallery, London
Gold leaf on paper
Beato Angelico (probably), ‘The Virgin Mary with the Apostles and Other Saints’ and ‘The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs’, about 1423-4, from Fiesole San Domenico Alterpiece, left predella panel, egg tempera on wood, National Gallery, London
Gold leaf on paper
85 x 108 cm (each)