6 September–10 December 2023
The Bienal de São Paulo has announced a partial list of artists that will take part in its upcoming 35th edition, to open in September. The exhibition's four curators– Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes, and Manuel Borja-Villel–have so far selected 43 participants, including Dayanita Singh. This iteration will likely be its most diverse.
The exhibition will include: Aline Motta, Ana Pi and Taata Kwa Nkisi Mutá Imê, Anna Boghiguian, Ayrson Heráclito and Tiganá Santana, Bouchra Ouizguen, Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro, Daniel Lie, Dayanita Singh, Deborah Anzinger, Denilson Baniwa, Duane Linklater, Elda Cerrato, Elizabeth Catlett, Ellen Gallagher, Frente 3 de Fevereiro, Gabriel Gentil Tukano, Geraldine Javier, Igshaan Adams, Inaicyra Falcão, Julien Creuzet, Leilah Weinraub, Luiz de Abreu, Manuel Chavajay, Marilyn Boror Bor, Mounira Al-Solh, Nadal Walcott, Nadir Bouhmouch and Soumeya Ait Ahmed, Niño de Elche, Nontsikelelo Mutiti, Pauline Boudry and Renate Lorenz, Philip Rizk, Rolando Castellón, Rosana Paulino, Sammy Baloji, Santu Mofokeng, Sarah Maldoror, Stanley Brouwn, Tadáskía, Tejal Shah, The Living and the Dead Ensemble, Torkwase Dyson, Trinh T. Minh-ha and Wifredo Lam.
Images: (1) Dayanita Singh, Mona Montage XVII, 2021 (2–6) Installation view, Dayanita Singh, Bienal de Sāo Paulo, 6 September–10 December 2023. Photo: © Levi Fanan/ Fundaçao Bienal de Sāo Paulo.